Indicator | Domain/category | Indicator description | Population of interest |
BP002 | Public health | The percentage of patients aged 45 years or over who have a record of blood pressure in the preceding 5 years. | All registered patients aged ≥45 years |
HYP001* | Clinical/records | The contractor establishes and maintains a register of patients with established hypertension. | All registered patients |
HYP003† | Clinical/ongoing management | The percentage of patients aged 79 years or below, with hypertension, in whom the last blood pressure reading (measured in the preceding 12 months) is 140/90 mmHg or less. | Hypertension register (HYP001*) |
HYP007 | Clinical/ongoing management | The percentage of patients aged 80 years or over, with hypertension, in whom the last blood pressure reading (measured in the preceding 12 months) is 150/90 mmHg or less. | Hypertension register (HYP001*) |
*Indicator HYP001 refers to the hypertension register (HYP_REG) defined as ‘Patients with an unresolved diagnosis of hypertension’.
†For the purpose of this analysis, this is the treatment target. The population that meets the blood pressure target will be described as treated to target. More details on the specific selection and exclusion rules and the codelists are available in the online supplemental tables 1–5.