Table 2

Cohort description for patients included in the blood pressure and hypertension Quality and Outcomes Framework indicators in OpenSAFELY-TPP during the NHS financial year 21/22

BP002 (Age>=45)
Public health domain
HYP001 (total population)
clinical domain
HYP003 (age ≤79)
vlinical domain
HYP007 (Age ≥80)
clinical domain
NumeratorDenominatorReceiving indicated careRegisterList sizePrevalenceNumeratorDenominatorReceiving indicated careNumeratorDenominatorReceiving indicated care
9 587 61011 195 67085.6%3 672 87025 287 73014.5%1 607 5202 664 84060.3%554 240764 96072.5%
 Female5 115 5405 736 94089.2%1 848 91012 621 24014.7%782 4601 268 72061.7%326 560463 20070.5%
 Male4 472 0705 458 73082.0%1 823 96012 666 50014.4%825 0601 396 11059.1%227 680301 76075.5%
Age band
 0–1921805 547 4100.04%1010178056.7%
 20–2911 4003 139 3400.4%4790912052.5%
 30–3960 6803 629 7601.7%25 76050 52051.0%
 40–491 124 4901 548 87072.6%220 7603 246 9406.8%99 700191 39052.1%
 50–592 751 3603 415 03080.6%615 0403 458 29017.8%308 270555 42055.5%
 60–692 407 3402 752 69087.5%887 5202 774 54032.0%506 800828 70061.2%
 70–792 079 4102 215 19093.9%1 079 6802 224 43048.5%661 2001 027 89064.3%
 80+1 225 0101 263 89096.9%795 6201 267 02062.8%554 240764 96072.5%
 Asian or Asian British
  Any other Asian background106 280126 81083.8%39 230412 6509.5%21 57033 22064.9%2250308073.1%
  Bangladeshi27 80030 49091.2%11 860124 5009.5%690010 06068.6%57082069.5%
  Indian209 490239 70087.4%91 540710 37012.9%47 23074 36063.5%810011 09073.0%
  Pakistani123 280136 79090.1%48 560513 0409.5%25 98040 04064.9%3530490072.0%
 Black or Black British
  African90 470108 04083.7%40 280385 09010.5%18 71034 27054.6%1000162061.7%
  Any other Black background29 65034 29086.5%11 700103 91011.3%5340976054.7%57084067.7%
  Caribbean55 00061 34089.7%27 660115 68023.9%11 41019 97057.1%4160590070.5%
  Any other mixed background22 82028 27080.7%7480141 1405.3%3600615058.5%45063071.4%
  White and Asian12 65015 32082.6%397081 2804.9%1980327060.6%24034070.6%
  White and Black African13 62016 60082.1%566070 8908.0%2590477054.3%15025060.0%
  White and Black Caribbean15 69017 99087.2%671084 8708.0%2840516055.0%69097071.1%
 Other ethnic groups
  Any other ethnic group69 43089 46077.6%21 420330 1606.5%10 32017 14060.2%1610221072.9%
  Chinese31 66043 51072.8%9030182 9605.0%4520710063.7%720103069.9%
  Any other White background589 110755 22078.0%220 0302 320 1209.5%92 240163 97056.3%26 69037 15071.84%
  British6 951 1807 855 62088.5%2 607 31014 450 10018.0%1 151 1901 881 44061.2%409 870559 43073.27%
  Irish58 04066 66087.1%22 080112 46019.6%879014 60060.2%4360602072.43%
  (Missing)1 181 4201 569 53075.3%498 3505 148 5009.7%192 300339 57056.6%89 300128 68069.40%
 1 - Most deprived1 541 0101 793 92085.9%634 6604 993 42012.7%298 170486 27061.3%74 240102 32072.6%
 21 728 4002 015 76085.7%688 0704 885 93014.1%307 680509 89060.3%94 540130 79072.3%
 32 078 7002 425 36085.7%799 0605 203 78015.4%344 130573 44060.0%126 130173 43072.7%
 42 062 0802 410 99085.5%769 5804 892 08015.7%327 280545 93060.0%126 760175 14072.4%
 5 - Least deprived1 977 8202 313 78085.5%709 0704 503 14015.8%297 250496 01059.9%123 440170 86072.3%
 (Missing)199 590235 86084.6%72 440809 3809.0%33 00053 30061.9%914012 42073.6%
 East2 190 2102 552 65085.8%828 9305 785 61014.3%349 120596 85058.5%126 920178 03071.3%
 East Midlands1 689 4701 966 69085.9%658 5204 391 22015.0%295 020481 87061.2%97 480132 65073.5%
 London467 680581 05080.5%174 9101 798 9109.7%87 120138 27063.0%19 93027 61072.2%
 North East444 680516 94086.0%175 2801 176 20014.9%81 040129 64062.5%26 46035 52074.5%
 North West896 9601 034 71086.7%355 9402 185 66016.3%172 190263 81065.3%51 58069 40074.3%
 South East657 640775 26084.8%238 8701 647 19014.5%91 050167 61054.3%37 71055 34068.1%
 South West1 484 4301 733 97085.6%547 4403 508 66015.6%219 820375 88058.5%94 190129 81072.6%
 West Midlands355 330412 66086.1%144 5601 041 08013.9%61 510108 30056.8%20 18028 89069.9%
 Yorkshire and The Humber1 374 9801 593 52086.3%538 0103 666 36014.7%246 450397 97061.9%78 570106 42073.8%
Care home status
 No9 443 51011 049 60085.5%3 617 81025 175 09014.37%1 599 1202 652 85060.3%526 350727 50072.4%
 Yes144 100146 06098.7%55 060112 64048.88%839011 98070.0%27 89037 46074.5%
Record or learning disability
 No9 542 00011 149 06085.6%3 658 81025 144 72014.55%1 598 7402 652 36060.3%553 820764 41072.5%
 Yes45 61046 61097.6%14 060143 0109.83%878012 48070.4%42055076.4%
  • BP002, the percentage of patients aged ≥45 with blood pressure screening in the preceding 5 years; HYP001, hypertension register; HYP003 and HYP007, the percentage of patients aged ≤79 years and ≥80, respectively, diagnosed with hypertension and treated to target in the preceding 12 months.

  • All counts were rounded to the nearest 10.