Table 1

Patient characteristics stratified by sex

All patients (n=158)MenWomenP valueMissing %
Patient demographics
 Age, years (median (IQR))61.0 (50.3–68.8)62.0 (52.0–69.0)57.0 (47.5–66.0)0.2570
 Height, m (median (IQR))1.79 (1.72–1.87)1.85 (1.79–1.90)1.70 (1.66–1.75)<0.0010
 Weight, kg (median (IQR))86.0 (76.0–96.0)91.0 (83.3–100.0)73.0 (65.5–84.5)<0.0010.6
 BSA (mean (SD))2.05 (0.22)2.15 (0.19)1.87 (0.16)<0.0010.6
 Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) (median (IQR))136 (127–147)137 (129–148)135 (123–146)0.4290.6
 Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) (mean (SD))86 (12)87 (11)84 (12)0.180.6
 Hypertension91 (57.6)60 (60.6)31 (52.5)0.3680.6
 Hyperlipidaemia51 (32.5)40 (40.4)11 (19.0)0.0100.6
 Active smoking15 (12.9)7 (9.6)8 (18.6)0.26626.6
 Diabetes6 (3.8)5 (5.1)1 (1.7)0.412*0
 CVA11 (7.0)7 (7.1)4 (6.8)1.000*0
 COPD19 (12.0)6 (6.1)13 (22.0)0.0060
 BAV6 (3.8)6 (6.1)0 (0.0)0.085*0
 Renal dysfunction5 (3.2)3 (3.0)2 (3.4)1.000*0
  Normal91 (88.3)62 (89.9)29 (85.3)
  Slightly reduced10 (9.7)5 (7.2)5 (14.7)
  Moderately reduced1 (1.0)1 (1.4)0 (0.0)
  Severely reduced1 (1.0)1 (1.4)0 (0.0)
  Beta blocker use55 (34.8)40 (40.4)15 (25.4)0.082
  ARB use27 (17.1)20 (20.2)7 (11.9)0.259
  ACEi use34 (21.5)26 (26.3)8 (13.6)0.093
  Diuretics27 (17.1)17 (17.2)10 (16.9)1.000
  Cholesterol46 (29.1)35 (35.4)11 (18.6)0.040
  Antithrombotics63 (39.9)48 (48.5)15 (25.4)0.007
 Hereditary TAD diagnosis0.091*0
  Loeys-Dietz syndrome18 (11.4)7 (7.1)11 (18.6)
  Marfan syndrome11 (7.0)9 (9.1)2 (3.4)
  Ehlers-Danlos syndrome3 (1.9)1 (1.0)2 (3.4)
  Other4 (2.5)3 (3.0)1 (1.7)
 Positive family history of aortic disease66 (41.8)39 (39.8)27 (45.8)0.5710.6
 Previous aortic surgery30 (19.0)20 (20.2)10 (16.9)0.7680
 Previous aortic dissection17 (10.8)9 (9.1)8 (13.6)0.5410
 Abdominal aortic aneurysm11 (7.0)9 (9.1)2 (3.4)0.212*0
 Peripheral aneurysm18 (11.4)9 (9.1)9 (15.3)0.3570
Aortic diameters
 Maximal diameter thoracic aorta (mm)43.2±5.243.9±5.241.9±5.10.0303.8
 Indexed diameter thoracic aorta (mm/BSA)21.2±2.920.5±2.922.5±3.5<0.0014.4
  • Normally distributed continuous variables are expressed as mean±SD, skewed continuous variables are expressed as median and 25th–75th percentile, and categorical values are expressed as percentages.

  • P values of <0.05 are depicted in bold.

  • *Fisher’s exact test.

  • †For patients who underwent transthoracic echocardiography.

  • ACEi, ACE inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; BAV, bicuspid aortic valve; BSA, body surface area; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CVA, cerebrovascular accident; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; TAD, thoracic aortic disease.