Table 3

Changes (mean change or change in proportion followed by 95% CI) in medical risk factors and cardioprotective medications in cardiovascular patients between IA, EOP and 6-month assessment

From IA to EOPFrom IA to 6 month follow-up
nIAEOPChangeP valuenIA6 monthsChangeP value
Blood pressure (mm Hg)
 Systolic blood pressure mean(SD)62137.1±15.7117.6±8.1−19.5 (−23.2, –15.8)<0.00154137.3±15.9119.9±11.5−17.7 (−22.5, –12.5)<0.001
 Diastolic blood pressure mean (SD)6275.9±9.373.7±8.3−2.2 (−5.2, 0.9)0.175475.4±9.074.9±7.9−0.5 (−3.5, 2.5)0.76
 Blood pressure <130/80 (%)62246844 (27, 60)<0.00154266943 (25, 59)<0.001
LDL cholesterol
 LDL (mmol/l) mean (SD)592.33±0.881.57±0.58−0.76 (−0.98, –0.54)<0.001372.18±0.761.71±0.740.47(−0.77, –0.16)0.004
 LDL <1.4 mmol/L (%)59144127 (14, 40)<0.00137144127 (5, 49)0.02
HbA1c <53* (%)450500 (−25, 25)1.00367670 (−33, 33)1.00
Cardioprotective medications
 Antiplatelets (%)6491910 (−2, 2)1.005589890 (−2, 2)1.00
 Beta blockers (%)646766−1 (−6, 3)1.00556662−4 (−10, 30)0.50
 ACE inhibitors (%)6436360 (−9, 9)1.005535350 (−9, 9)1.00
 ARB’s (%)6422253 (−3, 9)0.55525316 (−2, 13)0.25
 Calcium channel blockers (%)6419223 (−3, 9)0.55518246 (−2, 2)0.25
 Statins (%)6484882 (−5, 11)0.635582820 (−11, 11)1.00
 Other lipid lowering medications (%)6451712 (3, 22)0.0085552217 (5, 28)0.004
  • *In those with known diabetes.

  • ARBs, angiotensin II receptor blockers; EOP, end of programme; HbA1c, glycosylated haemoglobin; IA, initial assessment; LDL, low-density lipoprotein.