Table 2

Interventions performed in the study population

All (N=102)CAD-score <20 (N=43)CAD-score ≥20 (N=59)P valueAdjusted CAD-score <20 (N=10)Adjusted CAD-score ≥20 (N=65)P value
Angiography no (%)18 (17.6)11 (25.6)7 (11.9)0.132 (20.0)13 (20.0)1.00
PCI no (%)14 (13.7)10 (23.3)4 (6.8)0.0361 (10.0)10 (15.4)1.00
CABG no (%)2 (2.0)2 (4.7)0 (0)0.340 (0)2 (3.1)1.00
  • Interventions performed in the study population. P values comparing the CAD-score groups (unadjusted < vs ≥ 20 and adjusted < vs ≥ 20); adjusted CAD-score adjusted for age, sex and hypertension.

  • CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CAD, coronary artery disease; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.