Table 3

Diagnostic performance of unadjusted CAD-score for diagnosis of myocardial infarction

Cut-offSensitivitySpecificityPPVNPVRuled out %
<1087.5 (52.9, 99.4)17.0 (10.8, 25.9)8.2 (4.0, 16.0)94.1 (73.0, 99.7)16.7 (10.7, 25.1)
< 2050.0 (21.5, 78.5)41.5 (32.1, 51.6)6.8 (2.7, 16.2)90.7 (78.4, 96.3)42.2 (33.0, 51.9)
<3037.5 (13.7, 69.4)72.3 (62.6, 80.4)10.3 (3.6, 26.4)93.2 (84.9, 97.0)71.6 (62.2, 79.4)
<4012.5 (0.6, 47.1)94.7 (88.1, 97.7)16.7 (0.9, 56.4)92.7 (85.7, 96.4)94.1 (87.8, 97.3)
<500 (0, 32.4)97.9 (92.6, 99.4)0 (0, 65.8)92.0 (85.0, 95.9)98.0 (93.1, 99.5)
  • Diagnostic performance for diagnosis of myocardial infarction for unadjusted CAD-score.

  • The key result of the table is shown in green.

  • CAD, coronary artery disease; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value.