Table 2

Recorded variables for left ventricle, right ventricle and pulmonary pressure with means and SDs for continuous variables and number and percentage for categorical variables

VariableAll (valid data)Normal RV (55)Abnormal RV (62)P value
Left ventricle
New LV systolic dysfunction, n (%)22 (18%) [119]6 (11%) [55]16 (26%) [62]0.04
LV end-systolic dimension (cm), mean (±SD)3.2 (±0.8) [117]2.9 (±0.6) [54]3.4 (±0.9) [61]0.014
LV end-diastolic dimension (cm), mean (±SD)4.5 (±0.7) [117]4.4 (±0.6) [54]4.6 (±0.8) [61]0.06
LA vol index (mL/m²), mean (±SD)34.8 (±17.9) [100]31.4 (±14.8) [46]37.6 (±19.8) [54]0.074
LA area 4ch (cm²), mean (±SD)19.5 (±6) [112]18.3 (±4.6) [52]20.6 (±7.0) [58]0.094
E/A, mean (±SD)1.0 (±0.4) [93]0.95 (±0.4) [47]1.0 (±0.4) [44]0.336
E/E′ average, mean (±SD)12.7 (±6.8) [106]12.4 (±6.7) [51]13.2 (±6.9) [53]0.459
E/E′ average>14, n (%)35 (33%) [106]16 (31%) [51]19 (36%) [53]0.629
New elevated LV filling pressure+normal LVEF>50%, n (%)7 (8%) [93]5 (11%) [44]2 (6%) [49]0.249
New LV dysfunction (systolic or diastolic), n (%)29 (24%) [119]11 (20%) [55]18 (29%) [62]0.259
New LV RWMA, number (%)6 (5%) [119]5 (9%) [55]1 (2%) [62]0.098
Right ventricle
New RV impairment by visual and numerical assessment, n (%)58 (50%) [117]0 (0%) [55]58 (100%) [58]N/A
TAPSE (cm), mean (±SD)2.5 (±3.4) [44]2.3 (±0.4) [16]1.5 (±0.4) [27]<0.001
Reduced TAPSE<1.7 cm, n (%)17 (39%) [44]1 (6%) [16]16 (59%) [27]0.001
RVS’TDI (cm/s), mean (±SD)13.2 (±4.2) [110]15.2 (±3.5) [50]11.5 (±4.2) [59]<0.001
Reduced RVS’TDI<9.5 cm, n (%)22 (20%) [110]0 (0%) [50]22 (37%) [59]<0.001
FAC (%), mean (±SD)34.5 (±12.2) [87]45.6 (±7.5) [35]27.1 (±8.4) [52]<0.001
Reduced FAC<35%, n (%)47 (53%) [88]0 (0%) [35]47 (90%) [52]<0.001
RV dilatation, n (%)43 (42.2%) [102]9 (20%) [45]34 (60%) [57]<0.001
Basal RV diameter (cm), mean (±SD)4.0 (±0.8) [102]3.7 (±0.6) [45]4.2 (±0.8) [57]0.001
Dilated basal RV>4.1 cm, n (%)38 (37%) [102]7 (16%) [45]31 (54%) [57]<0.001
Mid RV diameter (cm), mean (±SD)3.2 (±0.7) [101]3.0 (±0.6) [44]3.3 (±0.7) [57]0.01
Dilated mid RV>3.5 cm, n (%)34 (34%) [101]7 (16%) [44]27 (47%) [57]0.001
RVOT VTI (cm), mean (±SD)12.9 (±4.8) [94]15.5 (±4.5) [37]11.1 (±4.2) [55]<0.001
RV end diastolic area (cm²), mean (±SD)20.8 (±6.1) [92]19.1 (±4.9) [40]22.1 (±6.7) [52]0.022
Pulmonary pressure
D-shaped LV, n (%)25 (21%) [119]1 (2%) [55]24 (39%) [62]<0.001
PV acceleration time (ms), mean (±SD)97.0 (±27) [97]107.5 (±25.6) [38]90.9 (±26.5) [57]0.003
PVAT<80 ms, n (%)29 (30%) [97]7 (18%) [38]21 (37%) [57]0.054
TR velocity m/s, mean (±SD)2.8 (±0.6) [80]2.7 (±0.5) [31]2.9 (±0.6) [49]0.039
Pulmonary artery systolic pressure (mm Hg), mean (±SD)40.5 (±16.2) [81]33.3 (±9.3) [32]45.2 (±18.0) [49]0.003
PASP>50 mm Hg, n (%)21 (26%) [81]3 (9%) [32]18 (37%) [49]0.006
Pulmonary vascular resistance (Wood units), mean (±SD)2.8 (±1.4) [72]2.0 (±0.6) [27]3.3 (±1.5) [45]<0.001
PVR>3.0, n (%)25 (35%) [72]2 (7%) [27]23 (51%) [45]<0.001
Elevated pulmonary pressure, n (%)47 (47%) [100]12 (29%) [41]35 (60%) [58]0.002
RA filling pressure (mm Hg), mean (±SD)7.6 (±6.0) [94]4.2 (±2.9) [44]10.6 (±6.6) [58]<0.001
  • Number in square bracket records total number of patients.

  • LV, left ventricular; LVEF, LV ejection fraction; PASP, pulmonary artery systolic pressure; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; RVOT VTI, right ventricular outflow tract velocity time integral; RWMA, regional wall motion abnormality; TAPSE, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion.