Table 2

Measured physiological indices; complete revascularisation versus incomplete revascularisation cohorts

Physiological indexComplete revascularisationIncomplete revascularisationP value
HRR10–20 (bpm)−6.56±0.52−3±0.60<0.0001
HR rest (bpm)66.36±2.9666.63±5.670.93
HR peak (bpm)82.74±483.89±7.550.77
SBP rest (mm Hg)136.56±5.29139.53±8.380.55
SBP peak (mm Hg)127.31±8.97109.95±12.80.75
DBP rest (mm Hg)78.85±3.8380.63±5.770.61
DBP peak (mm Hg)69.97±5.3163.79±9.960.25
  • Mean values with 95% CI.

  • bpm, beats per minute; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HR, heart rate; HRR10–20, heart rate recovery time between 10 and 20 s; SBP, systolic blood pressure.