Table 3

Time to hard event univariate models, idiopathic and hereditary pulmonary arterial hypertension only

CovariateHRLower CIUpper CIP valueAIC
PVRi, Pa s/m³1.881.42.5<0.001129
mPAP, mm Hg2.781.84.3<0.001135
RVCI, L/min/m20.770.431.40.385142
Pes (mm Hg)2.571.64.1<0.001128
  • Data are expressed as Cox proportional hazard regression estimate and HR with CIs, unless otherwise noted. Models are compared using Akaike information criterion (AIC).

  • Ees/Ea_(Kind), vascular–ventricular coupling ratio Kind method; Ees/Ea_(Takeuchi), vascular–ventricular coupling Takeuchi method.

  • Bold p-values indicate significance.

  • Ees/Ea _(Kind), vascular–ventricular coupling ratio Kind method; Ees/Ea _(Takeuchi), vascular–ventricular coupling Takeuchi method; mPAP, mean pulmonary arterial hypertension; Pes, end-systolic pressure; Pmax, maximum theoretical pressure; PVRi, indexed pulmonary vascular resistance; RVCI, right ventricular cardiac index; RVSV, right ventricular stroke volume.