Table 1

Baseline characteristics and differences in EMS delay times and 30-day mortality

FrequencyEMS delay time >60 min30-day mortality
n (%)n (%)P valuen (%)P value
Age, years0.006<0.001
 <55809 (27.2)374 (46.3)45 (5.6)
 55–64886 (29.8)435 (49.2)45 (5.1)
 65–74702 (23.6)339 (48.3)60 (8.6)
 ≥75579 (19.5)322 (55.6)84 (14.5)
 Male2389 (80.3)1150 (48.2)173 (7.2)
 Female587 (19.7)320 (54.6)61 (10.4)
Previous revascularisation0.50.064
 No2573 (86.5)1277 (49.7)193 (7.5)
 Yes403 (13.5)193 (48.0)41 (10.2)
 No2525 (84.9)1255 (49.7)184 (7.3)
 Yes451 (15.2)215 (47.8)50 (11.1)
Peripheral vascular disease0.40.004
 No2921 (98.1)1440 (49.3)224 (7.7)
 Yes55 (1.9)30 (55.6)10 (18.2)
Cerebrovascular disease0.20.008
 No2875 (96.6)1414 (49.2)219 (7.6)
 Yes101 (3.4)56 (55.5)15 (14.9)
Chronic oral anti-coagulant therapy0.2<0.001
 No2899 (97.4)1426 (49.2)218 (7.5)
 Yes77 (2.6)44 (57.1)16 (20.8)
Cardiogenic shock<0.001<0.001
 No2624 (88.2)1211 (46.2)89 (3.4)
 Yes352 (11.8)259 (74.2)145 (41.2)
 No2593 (87.1)1160 (44.8)112 (4.3)
 Yes383 (12.9)310 (81.2)122 (52.1)
Anterior infarction0.013<0.001
 No1693 (56.9)803 (47.5)107 (6.3)
 Yes1281 (43.1)667 (52.1)127 (9.9)
Prehospital 12-lead ECG<0.0010.002
 Not taken747 (25.1)276 (37.0)72 (9.6)
 Taken772 (26.0)416 (53.9)74 (9.6)
 Taken and transmitted1454 (48.9)778 (53.5)88 (6.1)
MICA on scene<0.001<0.001
 No671 (22.5)220 (32.9)30 (4.5)
 Yes2305 (77.5)1250 (54.2)205 (8.9)
Time of call (off-hours)0.80.8
 Work-hours1519 (51.0)747 (49.2)118 (7.8)
 off-hours1457 (49.0)723 (49.7)116 (8.0)
Day of call (weekends)0.70.8
 Weekdays2132 (71.6)1058 (49.7)166 (7.8)
 Weekends844 (28.4)412 (48.8)68 (8.1)
Patient delay time0.02<0.001
 <301356 (45.6)702 (51.8)156 (11.5)
 >301620 (54.4)768 (47.5)78 (4.8)
EMS delay time<0.001
 <601503 (50.6)--66 (4.4)
 >601470 (49.4)--167 (11.4)
DTB time0.003<0.001
 <601458 (49.0)762 (52.3)71 (4.9)
 >601518 (51.0)708 (46.7)163 (10.7)
  • DTB, door-to-balloon; EMS, emergency medical service; MICA, mobile intensive care ambulance; OHCA, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.