Table 2

Angiographical and procedural characteristics of patients presenting with ST-elevation myocardial infarction comparing the NR group with the control group

NRP value
No (n=149)Yes (n=24)
Presence of multivessel disease95 (64)20 (83)0.059
Culprit vessel
 LAD52 (35)7 (29)0.8
 RCA72 (48)14 (58)
 LCx15 (10)2 (8)
 Other10 (7)1 (4)
Reference vessel diameter (mm)3.0±0.63.0±0.51.0
Lesion length (mm)15.2±10.318.3±7.50.2
Lesion complexity
 B148 (32)1 (4)
 B285 (57)15 (63)
 C16 (11)8 (33)
Thrombus class
 03 (2)00.2
 17 (5)0
 22 (1)1 (4)
 313 (9)0
 417 (11)3 (13)
 5107 (72)20 (83)
Initial TIMI flow
 0105 (71)20 (83)0.4
 116 (11)1 (4)
 218 (12)1 (4)
 310 (7)2 (8)
 No82 (55)9 (38)0.104
 Yes66 (45)15 (62)
Final TIMI flow
 002 (8)<0.001
 14 (3)5 (21)
 211 (7)15 (63)
 3134 (90)2 (8)
Final myocardial blush grade
 03 (2)8 (33)<0.001
 15 (3)7 (29)
 29 (6)8 (33)
 3128 (88)1 (4)
  • Continuous variables are expressed as mean±SD with correlation investigated with one-way analysis of variance. Categorical variables are expressed as number (percentage) with correlation investigated with χ2 test. P<0.05 was deemed significant; however, p<0.1 (bold) suggested further analysis was required.

  • LAD, left anterior descending; LCx, circumflex; NR, no reflow; RCA, right coronary artery; TIMI, thrombolysis in myocardial infarction.