Table 5

ORs for characteristics demonstrating correlation to no reflow

OR95% CIP value
Age1.051.02 to 1.090.005
Weight0.970.95 to 1.00.081
NT-proBNP1.001.0 to 1.00.103
Haemoglobin0.980.95 to 1.00.068
Albumin0.930.85 to 1.010.1
eGFR0.980.97 to 1.00.061
Heart failure (Killip class)1.660.97 to 2.840.066
Systolic blood pressure1.021 to 1.030.03
Predilation balloon inflation pressure1.171 to 1.620.05
Aspirin to balloon time1.001 to 1.010.13
P2Y12 antagonist to balloon time1.011 to 1.010.036
Smoker0.380.13 to 1.080.07
Hypertension2.391 to 5.720.051
Intracoronary IIb/IIIa use6.590.88 to 49.220.066
Intravenous fluid use2.120.88 to 5.10.095
Presence of multivessel disease1.730.64 to 4.630.28
 B2 versus B18.471.09 to 66.130.042
 C versus B124.02.78 to 206.960.004
 B2 versus C0.350.13 to 0.970.043
  • Figures show OR, 95% CI and subsequent p value. Killip class was entered as continuous variable. P<0.05 was deemed significant; however, a p <0.1 (bold) was considered for the prediction model.

  • eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; NT-proBNP, N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide.