Table 2

Overview of the categories and subcategories identified in the study with the example of codes and condensed meaning units

Example of condensed meaning unitsExample of codesSubcategoriesCategories
I am not able to do activities that I used to do. When I do little activities, I become tired and need rest.Decreased physical activities
Fatigue and low energy
Physical restrictionsFamily daily life
I am afraid of being alone. I was worried what would happen to me. I do not have idea and motivation for the future like before.Patient’s fear
Emotional distress
I cannot go rolling coaster with my children.
I avoid crowed places.
Decrease joint activities
Social isolation
Social limitation
I have nobody to help me; you cannot ask for help at all times.Patient’s fear of losing independencyFear of becoming dependentProcess of independence
I do not collaborate with heart association because it gives me a feeling of being ill. I do not feel that I am ill.Avoiding sick roles
Facing dependency
They (family members) always tell me to take rest, but I have no problem to do some stuff.Difficulty in communication
Overprotective behaviour
Strained relationshipFamily relationships
The illness made our family closer. She (wife) started to love me so much.Good communication
Positive effect of illness on relationships
Strengthened relationship