Table 2

Hospital admissions with a primary diagnosis of heart failure in England in 2015/2016

NAge rangeOverallEmergency
ElectiveDay cases
With secondary ID/IDA≥21 years26 53033 71125 16030 584106311469911981
≥75 years19 31223 91818 65422 2915425734341054
Without secondary ID/IDA≥21 years52 27562 06445 78452 4783581378944925797
≥75 years33 40238 74731 28735 4751365143813281834
  • *Patients could be counted in more than one column for emergency, elective and day case admissions if they required more than one type of admission during the period analysed.

  • ID, iron deficiency; IDA, iron deficiency anaemia.