Table 1

Baseline characteristics of UK Biobank participants

Self-reported PAAccelerometer-derived PAOverlapping PA
No HFHFP valueNo HFHFP valueNo HFHFP value
n387 580160096 10559680 121190<0.001
Age (years)57 (50–63)63 (59–67)<0.00163 (56–69)66 (65–72)<0.00157 (50–62)62 (58–65)<0.001
Female202 169 (52%)324 (20%)<0.00154 293 (57%)153 (26%)43 727 (55%)28 (15%)
Male185 411 (48%)1276 (80%)41 812 (44%)443 (74%)36 394 (46%)162 (85%)
Ethnic background0.750.740.40
 White367 547 (95%)1526 (95%)92 803 (97%)579 (98%)77 490 (97%)186 (98%)
 Mixed or non-white18 915 (5%)67 (4%)2968 (3%)15 (2%)2413 (3%)3 (2%)
 Missing 1118 (<1%)7 (<1%)334 (<1%) 2 (<1%)218 (<1%)1 (<1%)
BMI (kg/m2)<0.001<0.001<0.001
 <24.9127 352 (33%)259 (16%)36 815 (38%)120 (20%)31 033 (39%)43 (23%)
 ≥25 and <30165 702 (43%)617 (39%)39 488 (41%)247 (42%)33 073 (41%)74 (39%)
 ≥30 and <3564 782 (17%)466 (29%)13 736 (14%)144 (25%)11 209 (14%)50 (26%)
 ≥3524 159 (6%)226 (14%)4810 (5%)77 (13%)3783 (5%)19 (10%)
 Missing 5585 (2%)32 (2%)1256 (1%)8 (1%)1023 (1%)4 (2%)
Alcohol status<0.0010.003<0.004
 Never14 891 (4%)94 (6%)2790 (3%)27 (5%)2161 (3%)6 (3%)
 Previous12 987 (3%)156 (10%)2620 (3%)48 (8%)2118 (3%)15 (8%)
 Current359 513 (93%)1349 (84%)90 614 (94%)521 (87%)75 825 (95%)169 (89%)
 Missing189 (<1%)1 (<1%) 81 (<1%)017 (<1%)0
Smoking status<0.0010.002<0.002
 Never212 488 (55%)565 (35%)54 839 (57%)237 (40%)45 656 (57%)77 (41%)
 Previous134 923 (35%)842 (53%)34 477 (36%)307 (52%)28 815 (36%)101 (53%)
 Current39 197 (10%)189 (12%)6633 (7%)50 (8%)5526 (7%)12 (6%)
 Missing 972 (<1%)0156 (<1%)2 (<1%)124 (<1%)0
Socioeconomic status0.060.870.13
 Q177 446 (20%)213 (13%)21 154 (22%)110 (18%)17 765 (22%)27 (14%)
 Q277 444 (20%)272 (17%)20 338 (21%)130 (22%)16 987 (21%)51 (27%)
 Q377 451 (20%)285 (18%)19 666 (21%)121 (20%)16 380 (20%)33 (17%)
 Q477 404 (20%)330 (21%)18 969 (20%)117 (20%)15 841 (20%)50 (26%)
 Q577 250 (20%)497 (31%)15 868 (17%)118 (20%)13 047 (16%)29 (15%)
 Missing585 (<1%) 0110 (<1%) 0 101 (<1%)0
  • Quantile borders for the Townsend score were –6.26, –3.97, –2.84, –1.44, 1.11, 11.00 based on the participants with self-reported PA data.

  • Participants with poor wear quality and missing calibration coefficients are not included in the table. P values were calculated using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for continuous variables and the χ2 test for categorical variables. The overlapping group refers to individuals who were included in the self-reported analysis and also had sufficient-quality accelerometer recordings.

  • BMI, Body Mass Index; HF, heart failure; PA, physical activity.