Table 1

Maternal characteristics (patients with ASD compared with the general population)

VariableMothers with ASD n=310References n=3677P value
Maternal age, years (mean±SD)29.9±5.029.9±4.90.902
Maternal prepregnancy BMI, kg/m2*
Height, cm*
Smoker, n (%)†60 (21.5)661 (19.7)0.705
Paternal age, years
Births, n5596580
Singleton birth, n5196324
Multiple birth, n40256
Multiple birth, %7.2%3.9%0.001
IVF treatment, n (%)33 (10.6)119 (3.2)<0.001
Maternal age at IVF treatment, years
(mean±SD) (range)
Multiple pregnancy following IVF, n (%)8 (20.0)24 (9.4)0.055
Previous miscarriage, n (%)54 (17.4)602 (16.4)0.753
  • *Data were missing for BMI and height in 139 mothers with ASD and 1487 references.

  • †Data were missing for smoking in 32 mothers with ASD and 336 references.

  • ASD, atrial septal defect ; BMI, body mass index; IVF, in vitro fertilisation.