Table 2

Baseline characteristics in 172 981 women and men with acute myocardial infarction by age group and symptom presentation

<65 years* n=58 488≥65 years† n=114 493
Without chest pain n=4157With chest pain n=54 331Without chest pain n=17 834With chest pain n=96 659
Age, years, mean SD57.1±6.455.6±6.876.3±5.474.9±5.6
Women, n (%)1309 (31.5)12 071 (22.2)8052 (45.1)36 482 (37.7)
Risk factors
 Current smoker, n (%)1541 (37.1)22 588 (41.6)2706 (15.2)13 879 (14.4)
 Diabetes, n (%)1359 (32.7)9573 (17.6)5606 (31.4)22 156 (22.9)
 Hypertension, n (%)1741 (41.9)17 953 (33.0)9235 (51.8)46 025 (47.6)
Cardiovascular disease history
 Myocardial infarction, n (%)693 (16.7)6029 (11.1)4689 (26.3)23 554 (24.4)
 Cardiac intervention, n (%)
420 (10.1)4506 (8.3)1797 (10.1)11 714 (12.1)
 Heart failure, n (%)509 (12.2)1699 (3.1)4608 (25.8)13 065 (13.5)
 Stroke, n (%)368 (8.9)2157 (4.0)3530 (19.8)12 433 (12.9)
 Aspirin/antiplatelets, n (%)1247 (30.0)10 743 (19.8)7870 (44.1)39 732 (41.1)
 β-blocker, n (%)1354 (32.6)12 456 (22.9)7082 (39.7)36 488 (37.7)
 ACE inhibitor/ARB, % (n)1135 (27.3)8856 (16.3)5729 (32.1)23 815 (24.6)
 Statins, n (%)1012 (24.3)8802 (16.2)3858 (21.6)18 861 (19.5)
 Calcium blocker, n (%)533 (12.8)5705 (10.5)3078 (17.3)18 206 (18.8)
 Diuretics, n (%)899 (21.6)5053 (9.3)7260 (40.7)27 679 (28.6)
Variables recorded at admission
 Presence of pulmonary rales, n (%)1091 (26.2)3817 (7.0)7370 (41.3)18 914 (19.6)
 LBBB, n (%)281 (6.8)1146 (2.1)2451 (13.7)6806 (7.0)
 RBBB, n (%)86 (2.1)634 (1.2)611 (3.4)2315 (2.4)
 STEMI, n (%)892 (21.5)24 617 (45.3)2987 (16.7)34 815 (36.0)
 Prehospital CPAP, n (%)474 (11.4)775 (1.4)3233 (18.1)3782 (3.9)
 Delay time, min, median (IQR)225 (83–930)165 (85–425)210 (87–760)195 (100–475)
 Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg, mean (SD)143.4±33.3146.6±27.7142.1±33.0147.6±29.3
 Heart rate, beats/min, mean (SD)92.3±29.476.4±19.393.6±28.678.9±22.4
 Troponin I, µ/L, median (IQR)2.8 (0.66–11.3)5.0 (0.85–24.0)3.18 (0.81–11.2)4.86 (0.97–22.0)
 Troponin T, µ/L, median (IQR)0.51 (0.18–1.77)1.0 (0.26–3.21)0.59 (0.20–1.98)0.95 (0.26–3.05)
 30-day mortality, n (%)303 (7.3)1035 (1.9)2928 (16.4)8410 (8.7)
 Per 1000 person-years94523622941140
 1-year mortality, n (%)615 (14.8)1989 (3.7)5830 (32.7)16 163 (16.7)
 Per 1000 person-years17539452199
 5-year mortality, n (%)1061 (25.5)4292 (7.9)10 292 (57.7)32 899 (34.0)
 Per 1000 person-years8321259109
  • *All p values, when comparing patients <65 years presenting without and with chest pain, <0.001.

  • †All p values, when comparing patients ≥65 years presenting without and with chest pain, <0.001, except for smoking p=0.0045.

  • AMI, acute myocardial infarction; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; LBBB, left bundle branch block; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; RBBB, right bundle branch block; STEMI ST, ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction.