Table 1

Patient/respondent characteristics

Total (n=73)Adult patients (n=62)Parents of paediatric patients (n=11)
Age at survey (years)36.3 (18.5–56.7)34.7 (18.5–47.6)46.2 (32.7–56.7)*
Patient age at surgery (years)25.7 (0.1–40.0)28.1 (12.2–40.0)8.6 (0.1–15.2)†
Time from surgery to survey (years)6.6 (1.1–10.1)7.3 (1.1–10.1)4.6 (1.1–9.3)
 Aortic valve surgery59% (43)58% (36)64% (7)†
 Pulmonary valve surgery41% (30)42% (26)36% (4)†
Education level
 None/elementary8% (6)8% (5)9% (1)
 Lower secondary or vocational5% (4)5% (3)9% (1)
 Higher secondary58% (42)61% (38)36% (4)
 Higher professional18% (13)18% (11)18% (2)
 University11% (8)8% (5)27% (3)
  • Data presented as median (range) or percentage (count). Data on parents of paediatric patients concerns the parents, unless indicated otherwise.

  • *Concerns age of parents, children were 12.9 years (range: 7.7–24.5) of age at the time of survey.

  • †Concerns children.