Table 3

All-cause death. HRs of standard predictors when used alone and when used in combination with the rest of the standard predictors

Standard predictorsSingle predictor examined in the model(stratified by centre)All ‘standard predictors’ in the model(stratified by centre)
HR95% CI of HRP valuesHR95% CI of HRP values
Demographics and history
Sex (male=1)0.9700.831 to 1.1320.701.3291.119 to 1.5780.0012
Age/year1.0651.046 to 1.084<0.00011.0471.027 to 1.068<0.0001
Age.time*/year.year1.003051.000056 to 1.00610.0451.0041.001 to 1.0070.011
Smoking status (ex-smoker compared with never smoking)1.3661.109 to 1.6830.00711.4361.155 to 1.786<0.0001
Smoking status (smoking compared with never smoking)1.3791.109 to 1.7142.1351.692 to 2.693
Hypertension, Y/N1.1170.965 to 1.2930.141.0010.848 to 1.1810.99
Diabetes, Y/N1.4561.211 to 1.751<0.00011.4101.161 to 1.7130.0005
Previous AMI, Y/N1.1660.995 to 1.3680.0581.1610.985 to 1.3690.075
Current medication
Aspirin, Y/N0.8540.689 to 1.0590.150.8980.718 to 1.1240.35
Beta-blocker, Y/N0.9260.790 to 1.0840.340.9160.773 to 1.0850.31
Calcium antagonist, Y/N1.1931.028 to 1.3850.0200.9990.845 to 1.1810.99
ACE inhibitor, Y/N1.3491.153 to 1.5790.00021.0560.886 to 1.2580.54
Long-lasting nitrate, Y/N1.7761.513 to 2.084<0.00011.1780.991 to 1.4000.063
Diuretics, Y/N2.1831.889 to 2.524<0.00011.4321.210 to 1.694<0.0001
Digoxin, Y/N3.0082.388 to 3.790<0.00011.8261.428 to 2.334<0.0001
Statins, Y/N0.5970.511 to 0.697<0.00010.8120.675 to 0.9760.027
Antiarrhytmic drugs, Y/N1.1130.677 to 1.8300.670.7980.482 to 1.3200.38
Biochemical predictors
Log(CRP/mg/L)1.2831.202 to 1.370<0.00011.1471.070 to 1.2300.0001
ApoA1/mg/dL1.0890.878 to 1.3510.440.9280.615 to 1.4010.72
Log(ApoB/mg/dL)0.9230.704 to 1.2100.560.4830.202 to 1.1560.10
Chol-HDL/mmol/L1.1920.947 to 1.5010.130.8840.503 to 1.5510.67
Chol-LDL/mmol/L0.9580.865 to 1.0600.410.9820.772 to 1.2500.88
Log (cholesterol/mmol/L)1.1690.819 to 1.6680.391.8950.455 to 7.8990.38
Log (triglycerides/mmol/L)0.8680.755 to 0.9970.0450.8820.716 to 1.0860.24
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR/mL/min)0.9720.969 to 0.976<0.00010.9900.985 to 0.994<0.0001
  • *Time is years since randomisation.

  • AMI, acute myocardial infarction; Chol, cholesterol; CRP, C-reactive protein; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; N, hypertension is not present; Y, hypertension is present.