Table 1

Baseline demographics

VariableRCALADLCxP values
Age, median (IQR)66 (58–74)66 (57–75)65 (57–73)<0.001
 Male symptom to FMC time7935 (66.6%)10 083 (73.5%)3122 (74.1%)
 Female3974 (33.4%)3628 (26.5%)1090 (25.9%)
Smoking status<0.001
 Never smoked3762 (35%)5523 (45%)1412 (37.2%)
 Ex-smoker (>1 month)2924 (27.2%)3083 (25.1%)1006 (26.5%)
 Smoker4076 (37.9%)3675 (29.9%)1381 (36.4%)
 BMI, median (IQR)26.2 (23.9–29)26.2 (24–28.8)26.3 (24.2–29)NS
Clinical presentation
 Heart rate, median (IQR)70 (58–81)77 (66–90)73 (62–86)<0.001
 Systolic BP, median (IQR)138 (120–158)140 (120–160)143 (125–165)<0.001
 Diastolic BP, median (IQR)80 (70–91)85 (75–100)85 (73–99)<0.001
 Cardiogenic shock346 (3%)292 (2.2%)114 (2.8%)<0.001
 Symptom to FMC time2:30 (1:30–4:30)2:20 (1:22–4:20)3:59 (1:30–4:45)<0.001
 FMC to PCI time, median (IQR)1:08 (0:45–1:43)1:11 (0:47–1:48)1:15 (0:50–2:00)<0.001
 FMC to PCI >1 hour6047 (57.4%)7283 (60%)2391 (63.7%)<0.001
Previous comorbidities
 Diabetes1910 (16%)2260 (16.5%)672 (16%)NS
 Hypertension4675 (39.3%)5027 (36.7%)1627 (38.6%)<0.001
 Stroke658 (5.5%)717 (5.2%)212 (5%)NS
 Kidney failure114 (1%)98 (0.7%)35 (0.8%)NS
 COPD487 (4.1%)420 (3.1%)146 (3.5%)<0.001
 Peripheral artery disease250 (2.1%)203 (1.5%)80 (1.9%)<0.01
 Cancer250 (2.1%)203 (1.5%)80 (1.9%)<0.05
PCI variables
 Femoral catheterisation6736 (56.6%)7622 (55.7%)2239 (53.3%)<0.01
 DES3526 (29.6%)5576 (40.7%)1473 (35%)<0.001
 MVD6011 (50.7%)5051 (37%)2299 (54.9%)<0.001
 >1 stent4274 (35.9%)4080 (29.8%)1259 (29.9%)<0.001
Periprocedural medication
 ASA before PCI9967 (83.8%)11 281 (82.4%)3547 (84.3%)<0.01
 Clopidogrel before PCI6422 (54%)7268 (53.1%)2352 (55.9%)<0.01
 Prasugrel before PCI421 (3.5%)461 (3.4%)125 (3%)NS
 Ticagrelor before PCI1727 (14.5%)1990 (14.5%)631 (15%)NS
 Heparin before PCI3651 (30.7%)4132 (30.2%)1278 (30.4%)NS
 Heparin during PCI7166 (60.2%)8274 (60.4%)2516 (59.8%)NS
 Bivalirudin during PCI4940 (41.5%)5634 (41.1%)1775 (42.1%)NS
 GPIIb/IIIa antagonists during PCI5445 (45.7%)6126 (44.7%)1817 (43.2%)<0.05
 LMWH during PCI1121 (9.4%)1413 (10.3%)505 (12%)<0.001
Discharge medications
 ACEi or ARB8725 (74.2%)11 249 (83.3%)3166 (76.3%)<0.001
 Warfarin or NOAC337 (2.9%)827 (6.1%)128 (3.1%)<0.001
 ASA11 340 (96.4%)12 787 (94.6%)3969 (95.7%)<0.001
 Beta blockers10 385 (88.3%)12 544 (92.9%)3767 (90.9%)<0.001
 Calcium antagonists899 (7.7%)761 (5.6%)308 (7.4%)<0.001
 Diuretics1542 (13.1%)2766 (20.5%)609 (14.7%)<0.001
 Statins11 021 (93.7%)12 527 (92.7%)3872 (93.4%)<0.01
 p2y12 inhibitors11 328 (96.3%)12 929 (95.7%)3977 (95.9%)<0.05
  Clopidogrel8654 (73.6%)9969 (73.8%)3011 (72.6%)
  Prasugrel300 (2.6%)353 (2.6%)134 (3.2%)
  Ticagrelor2351 (20%)2580 (19.1%)825 (19.9%)
  Optimal discharge medication7382 (62.7%)9875 (73.1%)2777 (66.9%)<0.001
Variable RCA LAD LCx P values
 Prehospital CPR208 (1.8%)508 (3.8%)98 (2.4%)<0.001
 Resuscitated cardiac arrest in-hospital541 (4.6%)747 (5.5%)183 (4.3%)<0.01
 New atrial fibrillation in-hospital534 (4.5%)655 (4.8%)199 (4.8%)<0.001
 Bleeding in-hospital152 (1.3%)139 (1.0%)55 (1.3%)NS
 Pacemaker92 (0.8%)63 (0.5%)28 (0.7%)<0.01
 LVEF ≥50%6401 (67.4%)3839 (34.4%)2051 (60.8%)
 LVEF 40%–49%2222 (23.4%)3548 (31.8%)905 (26.8%)
 LVEF 30%–39%687 (7.2%)2868 (25.7%)328 (9.7%)
 LVEF <30%181 (1.9%)911 (8.2%)90 (2.7%)
  • Percentages represent proportions for each culprit group. Percentages presented represent % within each group. Missing percentages represent % of total study population.

  • ACEi, ACE inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; ASA, acetylsalicylic acid; BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; DES, drug-eluting stent; FMC, first medical contact; LAD, left anterior descending artery; LCx, left circumflex artery; LMWH, low-molecular weight heparin; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MVD, multivessel disease; NOAC, novel oral anticoagulants; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; RCA, right coronary artery.