TableĀ 2

The frequencies and incidence ages of clinical LMNA mutation or cardiomyopathy manifestations

LMNA-males, N=13
N (%)
p Value LMNA vs DCMMale DCM controls, N=56
N (%)
LMNA-females, N=14
N (%)
p Value LMNA vs DCMFemale DCM controls,N=22
N (%)
p Value
LMNA-males vs LMNA-females
AF8 (61.5)NS29 (51.8)7 (50.0)NS10 (45.5)NS
NSVT10 (76.9)11 (78.6)NS
Pacemaker (any, including ICDs)9 (69.2)NS26 (46.4)7 (50.0)NS11 (50.0)NS
ICD6 (46.2)NS16 (28.6)3 (21.4)NS10 (45.5)NS
Thrombosis2 (15.4)NS8 (14.3)2 (14.3)NS4 (18.2)NS
Major end point5 (38.5)NS27 (48.2)2 (14.3)0.0311 (50.0)NS
Mean (SD)Mean (SD)Mean (SD)Mean (SD)
Age at DCM diagnosis42.2 (7.0)NS47.8 (11.4)54.1 (10.3)NS46.3 (14.2)0.042
Age at AF40.9 (9.3)<0.00155.4 (8.7)53.7 (8.6)NS61.0 (13.1)0.016
Age at NSVT40.5 (9.7)50.3 (11.9)NS
Age at PM41.8 (4.1)<0.00155.8 (12.7)58.5 (8.6)NS54.6 (14.5)0.001
Age at ICD41.5 (3.6)0.00751.2 (11.6)62.7 (6.1)NS55.8 (14.8)<0.001
Age at thrombosis48.5 (12.1)NS56.7 (10.2)56.8 (9.3)NS51.1 (17.4)NS
Age at major end point47.7 (7.6)NS60.1 (13.9)59.5 (4.8)NS56.3 (15.1)NS
  • Comparisons of male LMNA mutation carriers to male DCM controls, female LMNA mutation carriers to female DCM controls and male LMNA mutation carriers to female LMNA mutation carriers.

  • AF, atrial fibrillation; DCM, dilated cardiomyopathy; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; NS, not significant; NSVT, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia; PM, pacemaker.