Table 1

Baseline characteristics of adult Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) patients with normal mitral valve and systolic mitral valve abnormality (SMVA), including those with mitral valve prolapse (MVP) and systolic displacement of mitral leaflets (SDML)

CharacteristicsNormal mitral valve (n=52)SMVA (n=26)p ValueMVP (n=15)SDML (n=11)
Female gender, n (%)17 (32.7)16 (61.5)0.039 (60)7 (63.6)
Mean age, years±SD42.4±14.842.8±14.90.942.7±15.942.9±14.1
Mean age when SMVA first recognised, years±SD34.5±17.134.1±17.635±17.1
Age of TOF repair, months (median (25th, 75th))38.5 (1290)36 (16 108)0.524 (1396)72 (18 132)
PVR, n (%)39 (75)20 (76.9)1119
Mean age at the time of PVR, years±SD29.6±15.134.5±±17.638.7±14.5
Transannular patch, n (%)37 (97.4)13 (52)<0.000176
Atrial arrhythmias, n (%)17 (32.7)11 (44)0.556
Ventricular arrhythmias, n (%)13 (25.5)8 (32)0.635
ICD/pacemaker, n (%)11 (21.2)5 (20)114
QRS duration on EKG, ms±SD156.9±25.6156±19.030.9157.3±21.1154.5±17.3
 Moderate to severe RVE, n (%)37 (72.5)20 (76.9)0.812 (80)8 (72.7)
 Moderate to severe RVD, n (%)7 (13.2)4 (15.3)140
 LVEDVI, mL/m2±SD52.5±19.151.7±16.60.956±13.847.1±18.8
 LVESVI, mL/m2±SD22.7±16.220.7±9.20.625.3±7.915.3±7.8
 LVEF, %±SD59.9±11.962.1±9.40.458.3±8.767.3±7.9
 LAVI, mL/m2±SD29.8±11.525.2±±12.622±7.2
 RVSP, mm Hg±SD39.7±1744.5±20.80.348.8±24.638±12.3
Cardiac magnetic resonance performed, n261156
 RVEDVI, mL/m2±SD139.7±53.7163.7±67.50.3176±79.1153.5±61.9
 LVEDVI, mL/m2±SD76.3±16.571.3±14.60.471.9±13.970.6±16.8
 RVEF, %±SD43.8±7.436.5±11.90.0334.4±7.738.3±15.04
 PRF, %±SD38.7±22.139.9±19.80.843.6±23.436.8±17.9
  • All values are expressed as mean±SD unless specified otherwise.

  • EKG, electrocardiogram; ICD, implantable cardioverter defibrillator; LAVI, left atrial volume index; LVEDVI, Left ventricular end-diastolic volume index; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; PRF, pulmonary regurgitation fraction; PVR, pulmonary valve replacement; RVD, right ventricular dysfunction; RVE, right ventricular enlargement; RVEDVI, right ventricular end-diastolic volume index; RVEF, right ventricular ejection fraction; RVSP, right ventricular systolic pressure.