Table 5

Summary of healthcare resource use in home-based and centre-based cardiac rehabilitation by months of follow-up

Trial Author (year)Dalal et al (2007)Gordon et al (2002)Bell (1998)Carlson et al (2000)Marchionni et al (2003)Jolly et al (2007)Moholdt et al (2012)Oerkild et al (2011)
Follow-up9 months3 months0–6 months6–12 months6 months14 months12 months24 months6 months12 months
RehospitalisationsNot reportedNumber and length of admissions same between groups
N patient (%)Home 9/60 (15%)Home 21/90 (23%)13/89 (15%)
Centre 6/44 (14%)Centre 19/88 (22%)12/84 (14%)
Mean (SD)Home 2.2 (0.9)†Home 0.46 (SE 0.1)Home 0.08 (0.34)Home 0.20 (0.45)
Centre 1.2 (0.6)Centre 0.33 (SE 0.1)Centre 0.12 (0.41)Centre 0.26 (0.57)
Primary care consultationsNot reportedNot reported
Mean (SD)Home 6.3 (0.6)Home 6.6 (3.6)*5.4 (4.1)Home 0.65 (1.14)Home 0.53 (1.14)
Centre 7.0 (0.9)Centre 6.6 (4.1)4.6 (3.7)Centre 0.72 (1.54)Centre 0.66 (1.42)
Secondary prevention medicationNot reported
N patients (%)
Home 31/49 (63%)Home 36/97 (37%)Home 19/38Home 169 (72.2%)Home 161 (71.6%)Home: 8/14 (57%)
Centre 24/34 (71%)Centre 17/45 (38%)Centre 18/42Centre 171 (73.4%)Centre 164 (72.2%)Centre: 15/16 (94%)
ACE inhibitorsHome 30/49 (61%)Home 25/97 (26%)Home 4/38Home 176 (75.2%)*Home 177 (78.7%)*Home: 1/14 (7%)
Centre 24/33 (73%)Centre 8/45 (18%)Centre 4/42Centre 161 (69.1%)*Centre 156 (68.7%)*Centre: 0/16 (0%)
StatinsHome 48/49 (98%)*Home 73/97 (75%)Home 5/38Home 216 (92.3%)**Home 195 (86.7%)**Home: 6/14 (43%)
Centre 30/35 (88%)*Centre 33/45 (73%)Centre 8/42Centre 221 (94.8%)**Centre 206 (90.7%)**Centre: 2/16 (13%)
AntiplateletsHome 46/49 (94%)Home 94/97 (97%)*Home 15/38Home 227 (97.0%)†Home 214 (95.1%)†Home: 14/14 (100%)
Centre 30/35 (86%)Centre 45/45 (100%)*Centre 20/42Centre 226 (97.0%)†Centre 220 (96.9%)†Centre: 14/16 (100%)
Comments†number of nights
*lipid lowering drugs
*antiplatelets & anticoagulants
NS: not statistically significant
*GP consultations#P-value calculated by authors of the present reportSE: standard error*angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor or Angiotensin II receptor antagonist
**cholesterol-lowering drugs
†Aspirin or antiplatelet drugs
*angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor or Angiotensin II receptor antagonist
**cholesterol-lowering drugs
†Aspirin or antiplatelet drugs
*p Value calculated by authors of the present report.
  • Figures are means (SD or 95% CI).

  • GP, general practitioner; NS, not statistically significant; SD, standard deviation.