Table 1

Clinical trials of invasive versus conservative management in patients with NSTE-ACS*

Trials with CABG patientsYear publishedTrials without CABG patientsYear published
TRUCS232000FRISC II91999
TACTICS-TIMI1810 242001RITA-3112002
CABG-ACS27After May 2014
Italian Elderly ACS Study402012
OASIS-5 women412012
  • *TACTICS is the only trial to have reported results with specific reference to patients with NSTE-ACS with prior CABG.24

  • CABG-ACS, Coronary Artery Bypass Graft-Acute Coronary Syndrome; ICTUS, Invasive versus Conservative Treatment in Unstable Coronary Syndromes; NSTE-ACS, non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes; TRUCS, Treatment of Refractory Unstable angina in geographically isolated areas without Cardiac Surgery; VANQWISH, Veterans Affairs Non–Q-wave Infarction Strategies In Hospital trial.