Table 3

Patient valuation of the importance of the different risks and benefits associated with a mechanical (MP) and bioprosthetic (BP) valve

Total (%)MP (%)BP (%)
I am concerned about a possible bleeding
 (Totally) agree232421
 Not agree/disagree182816
 (Totally) disagree273124
 Do not know*311739
I am afraid of blood clots
 (Totally) agree242123
 Not agree/disagree202423
 (Totally) disagree324526
 Do not know241029
I have problems with taking medication
 (Totally) agree977
 Not agree/disagree674
 (Totally) disagree758272
 Do not know11417
I am afraid that I may need another valve operation
 (Totally) agree234520
 Not agree/disagree13219
 (Totally) disagree413144
 Do not know*23328
I am afraid that my valve may fail
 (Totally) agree132811
 Not agree/disagree11218
 (Totally) disagree554554
 Do not know*22726
I am afraid that I will be limited by my new heart valve in my daily activities
 (Totally) agree12246
 Not agree/disagree10146
 (Totally) disagree585264
 Do not know201025
I am afraid that my new heart valve will negatively influence my social life
 (Totally) agree537
 Not agree/disagree12244
 (Totally) disagree656267
 Do not know181022
It bothers me that I have to use oral anticoagulation lifelong
 (Totally) agree534557
 Not agree/disagree976
 (Totally) disagree273823
 Do not know121014
I am afraid that the valve sound will bother me
 (Totally) agree343834
 Not agree/disagree142110
 (Totally) disagree283424
 Do not know*24731
  • *p<0.05 proportion of patients answering ‘do not know’ in mechanical versus bioprosthetic valve groups.