Table 3

Specific interventions categorised by pediatric versus adult

Type of INTINT
 Adult n=1210 surgical PVR
1 tricuspid valve repair with right atrial reduction
1 implantable cardioverter defibrillator placement
 Ped n=3520 surgical PVR
1 aortic valve repair
14 right ventricular outflow tract reconstructions
 Adult n=134 transcatheter PVR
4 electrophysiological studies
5 diagnostic catheterisations
 Ped n=413 transcatheter PVR
15 diagnostic catheterisations
4 electrophysiological studies
18 pulmonary arterioplasty procedures
1 endomyocardial biopsy for unexplained LV dysfunction
Medical therapy
 Adult n=181 anticoagulation regimen change
2 bronchodilator therapy
6 antihypertensive therapy
8 antiarrhythmic therapy
1 diuretic regimen adjustments
 Ped n=141 medication change for frequent premature ventricular complexes
2 antiarrhythmic medication changes
4 diuretic regimen adjustments
1 pulmonary vasodilator therapy
6 ACE inhibitor therapy for worsening LV dysfunction
Activity restriction
 Adult n=22 activity restrictions pending exercise stress test for palpitation
Work up
 Ped n=32 for frequent ectopy on Holter
1 patient with moderate ventricular hypertrophy
  • INT, intervention; LV, left ventricular; PVR, pulmonary valve replacement.