Table 2

Diagnosis tests and angiographic and FFR findings

Diagnosis tests
 Multifunction cardioGram score
  High, n (%)20 (20)
  Borderline, n (%)43 (43)
  Low, n (%)37 (37)
  Positive, n (%)18 (18)
  Negative, n (%)82 (82)
 Framingham Risk Score
  High, n (%)61 (61)
  Intermediate, n (%)34 (34)
  Low, n (%)5 (5)
  PCI/CABG, n (%)51 (51)/4 (4)
Lesion characteristics
 Total number of lesions (>25%)127
 Angiographic findings
  Triple vessel disease or left main disease17 (13)
  Double vessel disease20 (16)
  Stenosis, n (%)
    26–50% of diameter24 (19)
    51–90% of diameter70 (55)
    >90% of diameter29 (23)
    Total occlusion4 (3)
    Collateral circulation14 (11)
FFR findings
 Total number of vessels analysed121
 Lesion with FFR ≤0.8057 (47)
 Lesion with FFR ≤0.7543 (36)
  • Values are number (percentage of total).

  • CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; FFR, fractional flow reserve; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.