Table 1

Baseline characteristics of 95 children undergoing ajmaline provocation testing

BrS-positive resultBrS-negative resultp Value comparing positive vs negativeTotal
Mean age (SD)11.87 (3.1)12.8 (3.37)0.26612.55 (3.34)
Age range7.4–16.41.9–18.41.9–18.4
Family history of BrS (n)
13330.08*45 (48%)
Family history of SCD (n)53439 (41%)
Symptomatic (n)189 (9%)
Partial RBBB on ECG†7/16 (44%)23/71 (32%)0.373230/87 (34%)
  • 2 Test (with Yates correction p=0.14). Comparison of positive test rates between those tested for family history of BrS and those tested for family history of sudden cardiac death (symptomatic group excluded due to small numbers).

  • †ECGs were unavailable in 12 cases, however available in three repeat tests.

  • BrS, Brugada syndrome; RBBB, right bundle branch block; SCD, sudden cardiac death.