
30 e-Letters

  • Implantable Loop Recorder In Pulmonary Hypertension Patients: “Not All The Glitters Is Gold”

    Dear Editor,
    we have curiously read the prospective study conducted by Mads Ørbæk Andersen and colleagues evaluating treatment effects on heart rate variability (HRV), HR and physical activity, with the use of an implantable loop recorder (ILR) for continuous heart monitoring. The authors enrolled 27 patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and 14 patients with chronic thrombo-embolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). The 15 (36.6%) patients needing treatment escalation were older and had higher NT-proBNP values, higher WHO-functional class, lower exercise tolerance and worse right ventricular function assessed by echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance compared to the other 26 patients. Moreover, the escalation group patients experienced a significant increase in HRV and physical activity, a significant decrease in HR nighttime and a parallel improvement in the three parameters included in the COMPERA 2.0 risk assessment compared to the non-escalation cohort [1].

    As already reported in the limitations of the paper, the small population including mixed pulmonary hypertension etiologies and the design of the study limit the strength and the generalizability of the results. However, it invites PAH specialists to make interesting speculations.

    1. The proposal to consider HRV as a biomarker of PAH treatment response or as a potential primary endpoint of clinical trials is questionable, since it seems to set aside the pivotal role of the ri...

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  • Environmental impact of cardiovascular prevention

    Environmental impact of cardiovascular prevention

    I read with great interest the review " Environmental impact of cardiovascular healthcare " recently published in Open Heart [1] and found it extremely important from the point of view of environmental impact of cardiovascular disease.
    I would like to contribute to the discussion on this topic.
    I believe that the impact on the environment must be considered when dealing with a topic of great socio-economic importance such as that of chronic cardiovascular diseases. I also believe that the impact of the prevention of cardiovascular diseases on the environment should also be considered. Cardiovascular prevention is based on the adoption of correct lifestyles which can be evaluated using the Life's Essential 8. [2]. Life's Essential 8 framework includes eight key health factors: diet, physical activity, no smoking, body mass index, blood pressure, lipids, blood sugar and sleep health. This framework provides a comprehensive approach to assessing and promoting cardiovascular health.
    With specific reference to diet, there are several studies that analyze the environmental impact of diets. [3] The Mediterranean diet has been identified as the most effective diet in cardiovascular prevention and also as the diet with the least impact on carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions. [3,4]
    It is conceivable that vegetarian and mainly vegetable-based diets also have...

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  • What category does a K-cup fall into? (Keurig coffeemaker pod)

    Is a k-cup pod considered French press? Was a k-cup studied?

  • The index of clinical suspicion is equally important

    Dear Sir,
    The article is interesting. We in the UAE are using high-sensitivity Troponin I for the last 8 years in all patients suspected of the acute coronary syndrome and all cardiovascular emergencies (for risk stratification) presenting in the emergency units. We observed many patients who presented after 3-hour of symptoms-onset with negative first high-sensitivity Troponin I (<5ng/L) showed positive second or a third repeat test, when we had high-index of suspicion clinically, largely because of chronic comorbidities like diabetes mellitus and expatriates from Bangaldesh. Therefore the message must be evaluated in light of overall picture and value of Troponin should be used only as one of the important markers.

  • Treatment with PCSK9-inhibitors - a questionable measure

    According to Steffens et al.,1 patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD) whose cholesterol is too high despite ongoing cholesterol-lowering treatment should be treated with the PCSK9-inhibitor alirocumab. They base their conclusion on twelve weeks of treating 244 middle-aged and elderly patients (half of whom had familial hypercholesterolemia), where the LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) was lowered by around 50% without any serious side effects. A relevant question is whether or not such treatment provide clinic benefit.
    The optimal way to demonstrate the benefits of any drug is through the use of double-blinded placebo-controlled trials. More than 30 PCSK9-inhibitor-trials have now been published,2,3 and none of them has demonstrated a reduction in overall or CV mortality. Only three, which included 73 936 patients with CVD, were performed correctly.2 Although LDL-cholesterol was lowered by more than 50%, none of them achieved a statistically significant reduction in either total or CVD mortality. In the longest trial (the 2.8 year long ODYSSEY-trial), which included almost 19,000 statin-treated patients, total mortality was a little lower in the alirocumab-group (3.5% vs 4.1%),2 which means that to save one life per year, it is necessary to treat more than 550 patients at a cost of more than five million US dollars.
    That such a strong cholesterol-lowering is ineffective is not unexpected, because there is much evidence that CVD is not caused by elevated...

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  • Ivermectin May Prevent and Reverse Immunosenescence By Antagonizing Alpha-fetoprotein and Downmodulating PI3K/Akt/mTOR Hyperactivity

    In their recent discussion on the anti-inflammatory activity of ivermectin in sepsis, DiNicolantonio et al. [1] left open the question on how ivermectin may protect against COVID-19 initial symptoms and progression.

    Insight was published by Li et al. [2] in their derivation of an ivermectin host protein and SARS-CoV-2 host protein interaction network (PPI). For this they metabolically labelled proteins in an ovarian cancer cell line and determined which proteins were upregulated and downregulated related to a 24 hour exposure to ivermectin versus no exposure. There were 4,447 identified proteins differentially regulated by ivermectin. When compared with the 284 host proteins known to be affected by SARS-CoV-2, this left 52 proteins in common, 50 of which were downmodulated. Only two proteins, HMOX1 and IL1F10 were upregulated by ivermectin.

    This protein-protein interaction (PPI) network revealed EGFR at the center of the pathway with connections to mTOR/APOE, NFKB1/APP, AKT, MAPK1, and CASP3 through TGFB1 interacting with the protein ALB (albumin). BSG, recently shown to be absolutely essential for foam cell formation in macrophages [3] was also captured in the PPI network. Moreover, foam cell formation has been shown in macrophages to be mediated under the direction of EGFR [4] as well as for the foamy sebocytes of sebaceous glands which line the mucosal surfaces and may be an important site of viral entry [5]. Foam cell formation is important in ho...

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  • High dose melatonin monotherapy for COVID

    The use of high dose melatonin early and aggressively for those infected with COVID-19 was the subject of an international symposium held in December 2020 (1). Dr Richard Neel reported on over 1000 cases that have responded to monotherapy with melatonin.
    Why this works, as speculated upon in this article, is open to debate. What is most important is that people can benefit from this treatment modality. Thank you for the opportunity to raise awareness of this underappreciated therapeutic option.
    (1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_4JeOj1JLc

  • Maintain sharp vigilance on adverse reactions of ivermectin

    To the Editor:
    We read with great interest the editorial by Dr. James J DiNicolantonio and colleagues.1 In their editorial, the authors have expressed their opinions that ivermectin may be a clinically useful anti-inflammatory agent for late-stage COVID-19. However, we want to highlight some concerns about the use of ivermectin for late-stage COVID-19.
    First, we do agree with the authors that ivermectin can be a potential drug for late-stage COVID-19 considering its anti-inflammatory effects. The authors stated that it is reasonable to suspect that, in doses at or modestly above the standard clinical dose, ivermectin may have important clinical potential for managing disorders associated with life-threatening respiratory distress and cytokine storm—such as advanced COVID-19.
    Second, a usual dose or modestly above the standard clinical dose of ivermectin may induce neurologic disorders, which can be fatal.2 Encephalopathy and coma are well-known side effects of ivermectin treatment in animals. But few cases of neurologic disorders after ivermectin treatment have been reported in humans.3 Neurologic disorders may include coma, ataxia, pyramidal signs, and binocular diplopia. Thus, the seriousness of the adverse reaction in humans implies that caution is warranted regarding medical prescriptions of ivermectin.
    We declare no competing interests.
    Contributors: All authors contributed to the final manuscript.

    Funding: The authors have...

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  • The Impact of Daylight Savings Time Change on the Incidence of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Myocardial Infarction

    Five years ago, our group at the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Cardiovascular Consortium (BMC2) published an analysis exploring the impact of day light saving time (DST) changes on the state -wide volume of percutaneous coronary intervention in patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction (AMI-PCI) in the weekdays following the time change.1 Using data from our clinical registry reflecting all PCIs performed at non-Federal hospitals throughout Michigan between 1/1/2010 and 9/15/2013, we identified a significant increase in AMI-PCI on Mondays following the Spring DST change (RR = 1.24, p = 0.011), and a significant reduction in cases on Tuesdays following fall DST changes (RR = 0.79, p = 0.044), adjusting for seasonal and weekday effects, and for an overall time trend. We have now repeated the analysis using registry data for the subsequent 5 ½ years, from 9/16/2013 – 3/31/2019 using the same methodology and obtained results inconsistent with our prior publication. In our analysis of more recent data, both of the previously reported effects were substantially attenuated and are no longer statistically significant (Spring Monday after change: RR = 1.095, p = 0.207; Fall Tuesday after change: RR = 0.96, p = 0.553). Our prior publication garnered a great deal of attention in the popular media2,3, often with alarming, sensational headlines. It has also been included in meta-analysis along with other publications identifying a similar Spring time change effect4...

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  • Aortic Inflammation and Calcification in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysmal Disease

    The prospective matched-cohort study by Joshi et al., investigated inflammation in both AAA and atherosclerosis using 18-FDG PET to generate non-invasive imaging biomarkers for aneurysm expansion and destabilization[1]. Such work is of great importance as atherosclerosis and AAA often co-exist and share many of the same underlying risk factors and pathologies including vascular inflammation and calcification. However, the magnitude and distribution of these processes both locally and globally were not previously investigated and could provide novel insight into AAA progression.

    It was shown that asymptomatic aortic aneurysms had greater inflammatory activity not only in the aneurysmal region but also throughout the entire aorta when compared to the atherosclerotic cohort. This diffuse inflammation of the aorta in AAA patients is supported by our ongoing work investigating the role of the aneurysm in affecting systemic endothelial change. This is assessed by measuring the flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) of the brachial artery [2, 3]. FMD decreases with increased maximum diameter of the aneurysmal sac and reverses following surgical intervention. This suggests that the local aneurysm itself to be a nidus of stimulus for inciting global change during the aneurysm’s natural history[4].

    Furthermore, they show that aneurysms with intra-luminal thrombi (ILT) demonstrated lower 18-FDG uptake both within the thrombus and in the adjacent aortic wall. Here, the authors...

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