These data show that CPET reveals subclinical differences in cardiopulmonary physiology in patients with CKD stage 3. Patients with CKD stage 3 did not have overt clinical histories or evidence for inferior cardiovascular performance. These data are the first to demonstrate that early CKD is associated with impaired cardiopulmonary reserve in the absence of known systolic heart failure. Importantly, our analyses used population norms for cardiopulmonary exercise performance controlling for age and gender, in contrast with a comparable study exploring the relationship between CKD and exercise capacity in patients with known systolic heart failure.10 Furthermore, these cardiopulmonary differences appear to precede established biomarkers for cardiovascular disease in more advanced CKD, including albumin and haemoglobin.30 These findings suggest that impaired exercise performance begins at a much earlier stage of CKD in keeping with cardiac structural insights provided by echocardiography.13 Although approximately half the patients studied had malignancy, this was not associated with the inferior exercise performance evident in CKD stage 3.
CKD increases the risk of acquiring32 ,33 and accelerates the progression of chronic heart failure.34–37 The pathophysiology of cardiorenal syndromes is a complex bidirectional process. Our findings provide functional physiological data using a gold standard assessment of cardiopulmonary functions that are consistent with previous morphological studies detailing subclinical cardiac abnormalities in CKD.13 Left ventricular hypertrophy is more common in patients with CKD, which has previously been thought to precede functional impairment.35 These structural differences appear to be driven by progressive CKD, in part, accounted for by the increased prevalence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension in CKD. Our data are consistent with recent epidemiological work showing that CKD confers greater risk of cardiovascular disease than diabetes,38 since patients with diabetes in this cohort free of CKD had superior cardiopulmonary exercise performance. Our data suggest that CKD has a further negative impact on poor cardiovascular function.
Because the prevalence of hypertension in patients with CKD is very common, we also compared patients free of, or with established, hypertension. In this large subset, we confirmed the overall findings that patients with CKD stage 3 without hypertension had lower exercise capacity compared to non-hypertensive controls. Furthermore, analysis of exercise-evoked changes in heart rate revealed distinct autonomic profiles in CKD stage 3. The finding that peak heart rate was impaired mirrors a similar observation in patients with end-stage CKD, in whom a blunted chronotropic response was an independent predictor of peak VO2.6 Furthermore, impaired parasympathetic dysfunction—as suggested by slower heart rate recovery in patients CKD—has emerged as an important contributor to myocardial injury,39 systemic inflammation40 and progression of CKD.41 ,42 Interestingly, patients with CKD stage 3 were more likely to have an HRR value previously shown to predict mortality and development of significant cardiovascular morbidity/mortality.28 ,29
Significant limitations include the observational cross-sectional nature of the study which prevents more robust conclusions regarding causality, particularly given limited information on the duration of key comorbid conditions including hypertension and diabetes. Echocardiographic correlates of exercise performance may provide further structural and functional insights, although static measures would not provide the depth of physiological insight afforded by CPET. Strengths of these data are reflected by the large data set, blinded study design, appropriately powered analysis plan, and established biological plausibility for the cardiovascular phenotypes described.
There are several clinical implications generated by these data. The presence of CKD stage 3 should alert clinicians to early CKD being a surrogate marker for poorer cardiac output under stress. CKD stage 3 is associated with poorer outcomes following major non-cardiac and cardiac surgery.43 Thus, acute blood loss, hypotension44 and/or hypovolemia in patients with CKD stage 3 may confer additional increased risk of pan-organ and further renal injury as a result of inferior cardiovascular performance. Further studies are required to determine whether the exercise phenotype maps to inferior cardiovascular performance in various clinical situations.
In summary, patients with CKD stage 3, but without clinical heart failure, have significantly worse cardiovascular function when challenged with standardised, protocolised physiological stress. In addition to the higher prevalence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension evident in patients with CKD stage 3, the subclinical dysfunctional cardiopulmonary phenotype described here provides additional pathophysiological mechanisms that may contribute to poorer clinical outcomes following acute cardiometabolic stress.