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Original research
Cardiology researchers’ practices and perceived barriers to open science: an international survey
  1. Kelly D Cobey1,2,
  2. Mohsen Alayche3,
  3. Sara Saba1,2,
  4. Nana Yaa Barnes1,4,
  5. Sanam Ebrahimzadeh5,
  6. Emilio Alarcón1,6,
  7. Benjamin Hibbert1,7 and
  8. David Moher2,5
  1. 1University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  2. 2University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  3. 3Department of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  4. 4Health Sciences University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  5. 5Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  6. 6Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  7. 7Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
  1. Correspondence to Dr Kelly D Cobey; kcobey{at}


Objective Open science is a movement and set of practices to conduct research more transparently. Implementing open science will significantly improve public access and supports equity. It also has the potential to foster innovation and reduce duplication through data and materials sharing. Here, we survey an international group of researchers publishing in cardiovascular journals regarding their perceptions and practices related to open science.

Methods We identified the top 100 ‘Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine’ subject category journals from the SCImago journal ranking platform. This is a publicly available portal that draws from Scopus. We then extracted the corresponding author’s name and email from all articles published in these journals between 1 March 2021 and 1 March 2022. Participants were sent a purpose-built survey about open science. The survey contained primarily multiple choice and scale-based questions for which we report count data and percentages. For the few text-based responses we conducted thematic content analysis.

Results 198 participants responded to our survey. Participants had a mean response of 6.8 (N=197, SD=1.8) on a 9-point scale with endpoints, not at all familiar (1) and extremely familiar (9), when indicating how familiar they were with open science. When asked about where they obtained open science training, most participants indicated this was done on the job self-initiated while conducting research (n=103, 52%), or that they had no formal training with respect to open science (n=72, 36%). More than half of the participants indicated they would benefit from practical support from their institution on how to perform open science practices (N=106, 54%). A diversity of barriers to each of the open science practices presented to participants were acknowledged. Participants indicated that funding was the most essential incentive to adopt open science.

Conclusions It is clear that policy alone will not lead to the effective implementation of open science. This survey serves as a baseline for the cardiovascular research community’s open science performance and perception and can be used to inform future interventions and monitoring.

  • Research Design
  • Translational Medical Research
  • Ethics, Medical
  • Education, Medical

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  • A series of open science mandates (eg, open access, open data) are being introduced rapidly by research funders to support research transparency.

  • Cardiovascular research, like much of medical research, is typically conducted in a ‘closed’ fashion with many research outputs never being shared in any way, meaning that new mandates will require significant behaviour change.


  • This study provides the first data specific to the international cardiovascular research community on knowledge of open science and barriers and facilitators to its implementation.


  • Effective implementation of open science will require consorted discussion about diverse community stakeholders; the present research provides an important starting point by capturing the perspective of cardiovascular researchers on open science.


Open science is a movement to make the research lifecycle accessible to all—including practices such as open access publishing, data and code sharing and open (source) materials sharing. There is growing momentum globally to see open science practices more firmly embedded into the research ecosystem, with several jurisdictions having introduced policies and roadmaps to foster effective implementation.1–5 Previous research suggests that up to 85% of research conducted is wasted,6 and that the scientific system is fraught with issues including publication bias, inadequate reporting and lack of reproducibility.7 8 Implementing open science could reduce unnecessary duplication of research, thus saving time and money. Further, open science enhances transparency by making the various components of the research life cycle accessible thereby reducing bias but also driving innovation as others can use and adapt study data and materials. Open science also helps to support equity by reducing barriers in access to information. In medicine, this means that researchers and the public alike do not face barriers in accessing health information. Despite the growing impetus to implement open science globally, no country or discipline has achieved widespread adoption. There are several real and perceived challenges transitioning from our current norm of ‘closed research’. Issues including how to effectively create behaviour change to promote open science activities, how to train researchers on the formal practices involved with open science and how to reconcile openness with intellectual property, have all been raised as potential challenges.

The current study investigates cardiology researcher’s perceptions and practices related to open science. A recent cross-sectional study examining 232 publications in cardiology journals found that 96.6% (N=224/232) of papers audited did not have publicly available data, while 229/232 (98.7%) did not provide their analysis scripts, and 98.3% (228/232) did not refer to an accessible study protocol.9 Other related research has shown that study design and reporting elements to reduce bias in preclinical cardiology studies (eg, blinding, randomisation) are not common within the field and that this issue has persisted without much improvement year on year.10 Collectively, this work suggests that open science practices and related reporting and design best practices are not normative within cardiology. Given this reality, it is little wonder why concerns about reproducibility in the field persist.11–13 We know of no study to date that has surveyed cardiology researchers’ perceptions of open science. This is regrettable as knowledge of researchers’ perceptions of open science, and of barriers and facilitators to achieving openness, is essential to understand how to support the community to implement open science more fully. Other disciplines including social science,14 economics15 and psychology16–18 have conducted large-scale surveys of their researchers to determine the state of open science in their community. Such surveys can be used as a starting point to develop interventions to implement open science more effectively, but they can also serve to monitor open science over time with additional surveys that can be compared longitudinally. We used a cross-sectional online survey, sent to a randomly selected sample of corresponding authors of recent publications in well-known cardiology journals, to measure perceptions and practices related to open science. The study is descriptive, and we have no hypotheses. The survey is the first in a programme of research we are leading to target implementation of open science in cardiology.19


Transparency and ethics approval statement

This study received ethical approval from the Ottawa Health Science Network Research Ethics Board, Ottawa, Canada (20230437–01H). All study materials and data are available on the Open Science Framework20 along with the study registration:

Study design

We conducted a cross-sectional online survey sent to a randomly selected sample of corresponding authors of publications in cardiology journals.

Sampling framework

We identified the top 100 ‘Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine’ subject category journals from the SCImago journal ranking platform. This is a publicly available portal that draws from Scopus. We then extracted the corresponding author’s name and email from all articles published in these journals between 1 March 2021 and 1 March 2022. We included authors of all article types. For full details on our approach to extracting author emails please see online supplemental appendix 1. This is a convenience sample, because the work is descriptive and we are not conducting any inferential tests, we did not conduct a power analysis.

Participant recruitment

This closed survey was sent to researchers who we identified through our sampling framework. Potential participants received an email including an approved recruitment script that explained the study’s aim and invited them to complete our anonymous online survey. Involvement in the survey served as implied consent. There was no incentive to take part in the survey.

We used Mail Merge software to send emails to the authors in our sample. We sent three reminder emails to participants at weekly intervals from the original invitation to encourage responses and closed the survey 4 weeks after the initial invitation was received. After de-duplication of repeated emails, we sent our recruitment script to a total of 9594 researchers. We received 844 bounce backs, meaning a total our sample was 8750 researchers.


The full survey is available in online supplemental appendix 2. Participants were asked six demographic questions (eg, gender, age). Following this, they responded to three questions about their research expertise and role. Then, participants were asked to indicate their familiarity with open science. Subsequent questions asked about participants’ training related to open science. Participants were presented with definitions of open access publishing, preprints, data sharing, materials sharing, protocol registration, reporting guidelines and patient engagement, and asked whether they had experience performing the practice and what barriers they face to so. Most of the questions were multiple choice and participants could navigate through a back button. Prior to completion, the survey was pilot tested by two cardiology researchers for clarity and format, with their feedback integrated into the design. We estimate that completing the survey took 10 min. Participants had the option of skipping any questions that they did not wish to answer.

Data analysis

Data analysis was conducted using Excel. We report basic descriptive statistics (eg, counts, percentages). Rather than conducting χ2 Crosstabs tests to test for group differences in responses (eg, considering gender, career stage, cardiology subdiscipline) as per our protocol, we have provided descriptive tables of these group differences given modest group sizes. For text-based responses, two members of the research team conducted a thematic content analysis. To do so, each researcher coded responses separately. Following a discussion and iterative updates to obtain a consensus on the codes, they were conceptually organised into topic areas and defined and explained in tables for reporting.



A total of 198 individuals completed the survey (response rate 2.3%). Participants tended to be men (N=153, 77%) and based in North America (N=97, 49%). Most participants reported to be faculty members/primary investigators (N=152, 77%), primarily working in clinical research (N=127, 64%) and that cardiovascular research was their main research area (N=178, 90%). For complete demographics, please see table 1.

Table 1

Participant demographics

Open science familiarity, training and incentivisation

Participants had a mean response of 6.8 (N=197, SD=1.8) on a 9-point scale with endpoints, not at all familiar (1) and extremely familiar(9), when indicating how familiar they were with open science. When asked about where they obtained open science training most participants indicated this was done on the job self-initiated while conducting research (n=103, 52%), or that they had no formal training with respect to open science (n=72, 36%). Participants indicated their top format preference for training related to open science would be a website of resources. Additional funding to perform open science practices was the top incentive listed by participants to encourage them to apply more open science practices (N=154, 78%). More than half of participants indicated they would benefit from practical support from their institution on how to perform open science practices (N=106, 54%). Funders and research institutions were the top indicated stakeholders in terms of which has the most ability to create policies that result in successful uptake of open science. For complete results please see table 2.

Table 2

Open science education and motivation

Free text responses to the item asking about the best ways to promote open science were coded into 25 unique codes. These codes were then thematically grouped which resulted in seven categories: (1) Finances, (2) Incentives, (3) Policy and guidance, (4) Support, (5) Culture change, (6) Perceived concerns and (7) Other. Illustrative examples of each theme are provided in table 3.

Table 3

Thematic analysis of best ways to promote open science

Open science performance

Most participants reported having experience publishing an article open access (N=168, 85%) and using a reporting guideline (N=123, 62%). Roughly half of researchers reported that they had experience registering a study protocol (N=106, 54%) or engaging patients or members of the public in research (N=96, 48%). Fewer researchers reported experience sharing study materials (n=54, 27%), making a preprint (N=49, 25%) or sharing study data (N=48, 24%). Please see table 4.

Table 4

Open science performance

Barriers to open science

A diversity of barriers to each of the open science practices presented to participants were acknowledged. For the complete results, please see table 5. When we asked participants about barriers to publishing their work open access, the top barrier identified was funding to support open access article processing charges (N=149, 75%). One-fifth of participants also indicated that they did not perceive their institution valued open access publishing (N=40, 20%). When asked about the barriers to creating a preprint almost half of participants indicated that they felt there were potential harms associated with work that has not been peer reviewed (N=91, 46%). Other key barriers included that participants worried that making a preprint would reduce their chances of the work being accepted at a peer reviewed journal (N=73, 37%), and that they did not see the benefit of making a preprint (N=71, 36%).

Table 5

Barriers to open science

When asked about barriers to sharing study data openly almost half of participants indicated they had concerns about intellectual property control (N=94, 47%). Other key barriers were participants’ concern about unintended use of secondary data (N=88, 44%) and concerns about misinterpretation of the data (N=75, 38%). Participants also raised concerns about intellectual property (N=63, 32%) and concerns about unintended use (N=54, 27%) as key barriers to materials sharing.

When asked about barriers to protocol registration, use of reporting guidelines and patient and public involvement, no overwhelming majority emerged for a particular item. The top barriers noted were that participants do not have time to register studies (N=33, 17%), participants do not feel they get recognition for taking time to use reporting guidelines (N=27, 14%) and that participants do not know how to incorporate patients/public members in their research (N=48, 24%).


We report the results of a survey of the cardiovascular community’s perceptions and experiences with open science. Our results compliment previous discipline specific efforts in social science,14 economics15 and psychology16–18 which have begun to provide data about the unique challenges of implementing and fostering open science in particular disciplines. Given the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases globally efforts to embed open science within this discipline have great potential to increase the useability and integrity of research in this area and ultimately to have a positive downstream impact on patient treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease. Our findings provide an important baseline that can be used to track progress in open science implementation over time.

We found that most participants had either no formal open science training or had obtained training on the job on their own. This suggests that most researchers in the cardiovascular research community are figuring out open science as they encounter it, rather than any sort of cohesive community approach to implementation. This is especially concerning since participants also indicated that clearer communication about why open science is valuable for research would incentivise them to implement open science. Together, it suggests that participants need to be better and more systematically supported.

Participants indicated funding was the most essential incentive to adopt open science. The need for funding was also reflected in the thematic analysis of what is needed to best promote open science, where three codes related to financing open science. While much of this discussion focused on practicing open access publishing, which typically is associated with an article processing charge, the call for funding to hire personnel to carry out open science activities (eg, data management) was also made. The second most important incentive among participants was support from their institutions to conduct open science. Such support may take the form of toolkits or training, but support in the form of personal was again noted as valuable.

Participants indicated that they perceived funders had the most significant impact on creating policies that result in successful uptake of open science. This suggests that the community feels the need to respond to funder policies; however, when we examine the rates of self-reported performance of open science practices that are commonly mandated, we see a gap in performance. Overall, rates of self-reported performance of open science practices were limited. Eighty five per cent of respondents indicated they had published an open access article in the past year, while 62% indicated they had used a reporting guideline checklist. Mandates for both of these practices at the funder and journal level, respectively, are the norm.22–24 Funders implementing audit of the open science practices they mandate may help to ensure these and other practices are being implemented optimally.

About half of participants additionally indicated that they had registered a study protocol. This is interesting, given that mandates only exist for clinical trials,25 26 suggesting that the broader recognition of publication bias and selective outcome reporting27 28 may be leading to more general study registration although still at suboptimal levels. Almost half of participants indicated that they had engaged patients in research, yet 24% said they did not know how to incorporate patients/public members suggesting that there remains a need for awareness raising. Rates of the remaining open science practices were comparatively low, suggesting that they are even less embedded into the ethos of the average cardiovascular researcher.

When considering barriers to implementing each of the various open science practices, participants noted concerns that represent a lack of understanding or expertise on open science topics. For example, 37% worried that making a preprint would harm their chances of later publishing, despite the fact that preprints are nearly uniformly accepted at biomedical journals and that there are tools to check this.29 Another example is the concern about intellectual property control when sharing data and materials, which may suggest a need to outreach on how open science is compatible with a pathway for collaborative R&D.30

As a next step the barriers common to participants for each of the open science practices examined can be used to develop interventions to improve performance on the practice. Our survey will serve as a baseline for the community to track its progress on implementing open science but also on tracking what barriers persist and change over time to be responsive to the needs of the community. Furthermore, the cardiovascular research community might accelerate the creation and implementation of an international on open science strategy. A cardiovascular community open science strategy created jointly by funders, journals, scholarly, societies, patient diseases communities and related stakeholders could help to ensure that open science policy and practice was prioritised and that actions taken to drive improvements could be shared to reduce duplication of effort and streamline behaviour change.

While our study benefited from a broad sampling strategy and diverse participation, it has several limitations. Given the increasing mandates for open science practices it is possible that some participants did not feel comfortable providing answers that presented themselves in an unfavourable way. Survey question answer responses, particularly those presented when asking about barriers to the various open science practices, may not have fully represented participants’ views and may potentially have been interpreted differently by different participants. Finally, while the random sampling strategy we undertook allowed us to sample a diverse range of cardiovascular researchers, it is possible that those that responded to our survey, which was not incentivised in anyway, may differ in some way from those who opted not to respond. This selection bias limitation is a common weakness of survey designs, and we have no way of knowing if our sample matched the population of potential participants we invited to complete the survey. The response rate was modest and we cannot be certain that the data is a representative sample of the global cardiovascular community. The fact that we administered our survey in English will have reduced participation and biased our sample towards certain jurisdictions. The shared study materials, including surveys which can be translated and/or adapted, can be used in future research to sample more equitably.

We hope these findings will provide valuable data to discuss as a cardiovascular research community and as we endeavour to bring the community together to contribute to a roadmap to implanting open science.19

Data availability statement

Data are available in a public, open access repository. Data is openly available here:

Ethics statements

Patient consent for publication

Ethics approval

This study involves human participants and was approved by Ottawa Health Sciences Research Ethics Board; 20220416-01H. Participants gave informed consent to participate in the study before taking part.


We are grateful to Phoebe Nguyen for her helpful discussion regarding our sampling approach.


Supplementary materials

  • Supplementary Data

    This web only file has been produced by the BMJ Publishing Group from an electronic file supplied by the author(s) and has not been edited for content.


  • Twitter @kdcobey

  • Contributors Conceptualisation: KDC. Methodology: All authors. Writing—first draft: KDC, SS. Writing—revising and editing: All authors. Supervision: KDC. Guarantor: KDC.

  • Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.

  • Competing interests None declared.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

  • Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been peer-reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines, terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise.

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