Table 6

Positive and negative predictive values of important risk factors

National cohort n=140; SD/CA n=27
Risk factorPositive predictive value with (95% CI)Negative predictive value with (95% CI)
Last ECG risk score >545 (33 to 58)99 (93 to 100)
Last SEPPER ≥190%40 (28 to 54)94 (87 to 98)
Last Z-score ≥4.529 (18 to 43)99 (93 to 100)
nsVT on Holter46 (26 to 67)94 (86 to 98)
ST depression ≥2 mm at rest56 (35 to 76)86 (79 to 92)
  • nsVT, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia; SD/CA, sudden death/cardiac arrest; SEPPER, septum in % of 95th centile for age.