Table 1

Baseline characteristics

Patients (n=1000)
Age (years)65±11
History of diabetes18.4
Requiring insulin6.4
History of hypertension58.0
History of hyperlipidaemia56.2
Family history of CAD45.5
Current smoker24.1
Chronic renal failure6.1
Prior myocardial infarction25.3
Prior percutaneous intervention30.1
Prior CABG6.8
Urgent indication for PCI30.4
Lesions (n=1255)
TIMI flow 0 preprocedure14.5
Thrombus present and thrombus aspiration15.010.8
AHA/ACC lesion type B2/C58.9
Lesion length (mm)15.012–20
Reference vessel diameter (mm)3.03.0–3.5
Percentage stenosis by visual estimate9080–99
Total stent length (mm)21.4±10.5
Total stent diameter (mm)3.2±0.5
  • Values are valid %, mean ± SD, or median (IQR).

  • AHA/ACC, American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology classification; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; CAD, coronary artery disease; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.