Table 1

Electrocardiographic signs commonly related to COPD

EmphysemaP-wave axis24
Right-atrium enlargement2P-amplitude in II, III or aVF ≥2.5 mm1 2
P-amplitude in V1 ≥1.5 mm2
Scott et al11: RVHR in V1 ≥7 mm
R/S in V1 >1
VAT in V1 >35 ms
Sokolow-Lyon: RVHR in V1 + S in V5 or V6 >10.5 mm16
Clockwise rotationR/S ratio in V5 ≤11
Low voltage limb leadsQRS (R+S) <5 mm in I, II, aVF, III (all)*1
Low voltage precordial leadsQRS <10 mV in V1–V6 (all)*
S1S2S3 patternDominant S in I, II, III (all)1
QS complexLead III
Right-axis deviation:>90°1
Left-axis deviation:<-30° to −90°1 2
Elevated resting heart rateHR >80 beats/min*
  • *Minnesota Code20

  • HR, heart rate; RVH, right ventricular hypertrophy; VAT, ventricular activation time.