Table 2

Results of sleep study according to subclinical sleep apnoea*

n=1150 (92%)
REI 5–14
n=105 (8%)
p Value†
REI1 (0–2)8 (6–10)
Oxygen desaturation index1 (0–2)8 (6–11)<0.0001
Oxygen desaturation index ≥5 (%)36 (2%)88 (71%)<0.0001
Mean night-time SpO2 (%)95 (94–96)93 (92–95)<0.0001
Per cent of time with SpO2<90% (%)0.2 (0–1.2)2.8 (0.6–10.5)<0.0001
Apnoeas per hour0 (0–1)2 (1–4)<0.0001
Hypopnoeas per hour0 (0–1)5 (3–6)<0.0001
Sleep duration (hours)7.3 (6.5–8.0)7.3 (6.3–8.0)0.8
Mean heart rate (bpm)62 (57–68)62 (58–71)0.13
Mean breathing rate (breaths/min)13 (10–15)12 (9–14)0.01
  • Values are median (IQRs), counts or percentages.

  • *Subclinical sleep apnoea was defined as REI≥5, but <15.

  • †Based on Kruskal-Wallis tests for continuous variables.

  • REI, respiratory event index; SpO2, blood oxygen saturation.