Table 1

Baseline characteristics of both groups

FactorYoung group (<65 years)Elderly group (>65 years)Difference significanceEffect size*
N203 012262 813<0.001r=0.01
Mean age (SD) (years)55.1 (7.9)76.1 (6.9)<0.001r=0.83
Male (%)78%63.9%<0.001V=0.15
Ethnicity (British) (%)82.5%89.1%<0.001V=0.11
Employment (FT) (%)†49.7%6.3%<0.001V=0.70
Obesity (BMI>30 kg/m2) (%)29.3%18.9%<0.001V=0.12
Male waist circumference (%)‡37.5%37.3%0.60V=0.00
Female waist circumference (%)§65.8%59.1%<0.001V=0.07
Smokers (%)38%14.4%<0.001V=0.27
Comorbidities (+3) (%)15.8%22.7%<0.001V=0.09
Total cholesterol (+4) (%)¶73.7%60.7%<0.001V=0.14
Clinically anxious (%)19%9.6%<0.001V=0.17
Clinically depressed (%)10.3%5.9%<0.001V=0.09
Hypertensive (%)**72.6%64.6%<0.001V=0.09
Fitness level (SD)††402.1 m (166.2)279.4 m (136.5)<0.001r=0.14
Moderate physical activity (%)‡‡24.7%20.3%<0.001V=0.05
Vigorous physical activity (%)§§6.2%2.9%<0.001V=0.08
Outpatient CR duration (SD)¶¶59.5 (46.6)61.5 (46.5)0.001r=0.02
  • *r=Pearson correlation, V=Cramer's V effect sizes.

  • †Ratio of patients in either FT or PT jobs.

  • ‡Waist size >102 cm.

  • §Waist size >88 cm.

  • ¶Ratio of patients with total cholesterol more than 4 mmol/L.

  • **Ratio of hypertensive patients (blood pressure over 140 mm Hg systolic and 90 mm Hg diastolic).

  • ††Average ISWT metres walked in each group.

  • ‡‡Ratio of patients taking moderate physical activity for 150 min/week.

  • §§Ratio of patients taking vigorous physical activity for 75 min/week.

  • ¶¶Outpatient CR mean duration in days.

  • BMI, body mass index; CR, cardiac rehabilitation; Employment FT, full time; ISWT, Incremental Shuttle Walk Test.