Table 6

Unadjusted and adjusted HRs for the 5-year NFE group

HR (95% CI)p Value
Univariable (unadjusted) Cox model
Multivessel disease (disease in 2 or 3 vessels)43.5 (0.260 to 7271)0.150
Fasting IRI (>10 μU/mL)0.025 (0.000 to 11.1)0.236
Diabetes2.23 (0.650 to 7.62)0.203
Low-DAPK1 (<median)11.3 (1.42 to 89.6)0.022
Multivariable (adjusted) Cox model
Low-DAPK1 (<median)8.73 (1.05 to 72.8)0.045
  • DAPK1, death-associated protein kinase1; IRI, immunoreactive insulin; NFE, non-fatal coronary event.