Table 1

Characteristics of participants who returned questionnaires (responders) versus those who did not (non-responders)

VariableResponders (n=53)Non-responders (n=53)p Value
Male2 (3.8%)2 (3.8%)1.0
Years since ABS presentation4.9±2.75.0±2.60.94
Risk score >1*26 (54.2%)28 (52.8%)0.89
Any stressor identified31 (58.5%)38 (71.0%)0.15
Emotional stressor15 (28.3%)17 (32.1%)0.67
ABS recurrence3 (5.7%)4 (7.6%)0.70
  • Results presented as mean±SD or number (%).

  • *(Mayo Clinic) risk score: 1 point each for the following components: age >70 years; presence of physical stressor; ejection fraction <40% on first presentation. Scores of 1, 2 or 3 points are associated with a 28%, 58% or 85% risk of acute heart failure, respectively.16

  • ABS, apical ballooning syndrome.